Aug 4, 2021
Tobias Rümpler
When it is about innovating, obstacles quickly become unintended companions along the journey. At times, they pile up to vertiginous heights, requiring drone support in order to see the right path towards the goal. – In business innovation, the allegory of drone support is established through methodologies. The “Regnose” is one of those, helping you to pave the way and think clearly without obstacles. Sounds too good to be true right? We know, let us explain…
If Uber Technologies had started their ideation process with obstacles, existing structures, competitors, legislation et cetera, the business idea would probably have been stomped into the ground before coming into existence. The founders thought visionary, imagined their own version of the future of transport, and manifested it. Obstacles became challenges, competitors became use cases. This approach requires foresight, commitment, and a leap of faith. Above all, the biggest learning is that you start from the perspective of your goal. This is what “Regnose” is all about.
The methodology can be used as a workshop tool, an ideation roadmap for your team, or just for your own thought process. Yet, it is there to pave your way to innovation.
Step 1 – Set your vision
The methodology requires you to invert your path. The starting point is represented by your vision and you slowly move from there. This new position is untouched and you start on a blank page, leaving obstacles and dependencies of current activities behind. When being at the starting point, define your goal, your desired state, your vision and manifest it. After the manifestation, your finish line is set and no disruption can change that. Remember, every time some hindrances block your path, close your eyes and remember your vision.
To visualize the current state, the example of creating a ride-sharing service is used.
For step one, the example of a digital transportation service is used and we move backward from there.
Vision: Revolutionary online-ride-hailing service

Step 2: Start Moving with Your Goals
With your vision in mind, start moving towards the bottom of the mountain. To set direction, think about “What do I need to get here?” and identify the last steps that need to be done to transfer your vision into reality. Along the way, document your steps to create a map of the best possible journey.
Speaking of the last step in the ride-hailing vision, customers are currently transported by a freelance driver. Note this as the closest point to your vision on the map and take the next step. Ask yourself again the same question, “What do I need to get here?”. While we now have the driver on the one hand, we have the customer on the other.
The question is now: “How was this ride established?”
Answer: An app was connecting the driver to the customer and established the general conditions of the ride.
Noted, as the next step towards the current state. With your next step you may ask yourself:
- “What can the app do?”
- “What does the customer want?”
- “What does the driver require?”
Note every answer to create a map with different paths and ideas until you reach the base.
The path to your current state may seem like an expedition to Mars, but take a deep breath and start moving.
Step 3: Identify the Connection
Well done, you have reached the here and now again and created a map of goals leading to your great vision. Now it’s time to create your spiderweb of connections between the different locations on the map.
For the ride service, we now stand at the beginning and see the big map with different locations on its’ ways. While reaching your goal, tasks and challenges from different business activities occur during the journey. Activities such as finding talented developers, identifying customer needs and regulations are straight ahead. Zoom out at this point, to identify dependencies and correlations. For example, app development depends on user experience research which is further connected to filling the key role of a UI/UX designer in your team.
Use the established foresight from your journey to always see holistically.
Step 4: Connect Vision and Reality
Now that your interconnected map is created, let’s turn it into a master plan.
For planning, your connections need to be clustered and broken down into activities that will lead from your current state to your vision. Focus on reaching your goal on the most effective and efficient journey. Your path shall include all relevant activities that are required, while not being packed with irrelevant crossings. This will form your first minimum viable product (MVP), which can be used and tested by customers.
When you connected your vision to reality and defined your way the clustering starts. Break down your correlated activities into working packages and plan them along your journey. Create the path with your team, move the map into an agile project management board and start working with known methodologies.
We as Tagueri strive for enabling and supporting our customers with the right methodologies to create long-term business growth. Regnose is one small component of our toolkit. Do you want to know more?