Dec. 8, 2023
Lucian Knappe and Alexander Gul
Automotive SPICE 4.0:
A further development of the Process Assessment Model
We are happy to support you!
ASPICE is currently being revised by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA QMC). Version 4.0 is expected to be released at the end of 2023* – as the successor to ASPICE 3.1.
The revision entails changes at the structural level, at the level of generic practices and in the training scheme, such as:
- Version 4.0 integrates additional process models: Hardware Engineering (HWE), Machine Learning Engineering (MLE) and Validation Process Group (VAL). The plug-in concept will be further expanded. The 4th generation of the Automotive SPICE standard thus takes an important step towards mapping the entire mechatronic development process.
- The structure will be streamlined and made clearer. In particular, the relationship between process goals (outcomes), process activities (base practices) and typical work products (formerly work products, now output information items) is now much more clearly defined.
- In addition to the introduction of new processes, there is a revision and adaptation in the area of base practices.
- The usual process scope (VDA scope) for an assessment will be fundamentally revised.
- There are major changes in the redesign of capability levels: Strategies are only one component of Level 2.
- The certification scheme for assessors has been revised, so that further training is necessary.
- A new set of rules for assessors (VDA Guideline 2.0) is being developed.
The first assessments are expected to be carried out according to ASPICE 4.0 from the beginning of 2025 and probably exclusively according to the new version from 2026.*
We will be happy to work with you to develop a solution tailored to your needs to master this new challenge!
Our services for you: Evaluating, comparing and improving processes.
The automation of vehicles leads to increased complexity and quality requirements for the installed electronics and software. The demand for comprehensive driver assistance systems up to autonomous driving reinforces this trend and requires higher safety standards. Automotive SPICE (ASPICE) can help to master the complexity and quality of electronic and software components and enable structured, sustainable and transparent product development according to the state of the art.
Consulting and Coaching
If you want to define new development processes or implement ASPICE in your company, our ASPICE experts can advise you individually and work with you to work out a way to achieve the desired ASPICE level.
Our services:
- Durchführung von ASPICE Awareness und Assessment Vorbereitung Workshops
- Individuell angepasste Schulungen für Management, Entwicklung und Qualitätssicherung
- Coaching von Mitarbeitern bezüglich der Auswirkungen von ASPICE – ebenso ASPICE 4.0 – auf individuelle Prozesse
- Planung und Organisation des Change-Management-Prozesses
In addition, we offer ASPICE process management and process analysis.
Feel free to contact us!
*Dates mentioned as of summer 2023

Figure 1: Process evaluation model ASPICE 4.0
Your contact persons
Lucian Knappe
Alexander Gul